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Molly Bear Testimonials


I received my Molly Bear on the Anniversary of my Angel’s passing. Not only was my Carlie bear absolutely beautiful, but when I lifted her out of the box I was amazed at how much she felt like a real baby. So much that I have not put her down since she was delivered. Even my daughter was impressed by the way you instinctively want to hold her like a baby due to the precise construction of the bear. My bear included her name and butterflies in her special colors. In addition to the careful details was a handwritten card from a mother that assisted with the assembly and special touches of my Carlie Bear. Words cannot express the volume of my gratitude to Molly Bears, Sabrina and Baby September, June, and October for a memorial that I will cherish forever. ❤️
- Jackie Trimble

Master Luke Colebrooke

I just got my angel Master Luke Bear he was born sleeping on November 7th 2019 weighing 6lbs 12 ounces at 39 weeks he had a tight tight knot around his cord we adore him already. You guys at Molly bears give me and my family so much comfort and peace during this difficult time after losing my baby. My Master Luke bear means everything to me and I will always show him off. Having the weighted bear to hold and cuddle makes me feel like my Master Luke is right here with me, it’s a reminder that he is here and he was real Knowing I can hug him when I need a hug. It’s perfect . It’s so nice to have something tangible so that I can remember my sweet angel Master Luke. I miss my prince so much and it hurts but I’m happy that something was made for him for me to hold. Molly Bears I’ll highly recommend to anyone

Love Always~Sharanda Miller
- Sharanda Miller


My Fetey Bear arrived this Morning. It is perfect. The attention to detail Nd the weight is so comforting. I love the little duckie ribbon and blankie included. My loss was in the first trimester and we didn’t know the gender yet. The onky thing I had for my Fetey was a little plush duckie holding a blanket (That now sits on the bed if my rainbow boy) Having this little Bear is just noce to have something tangible. Something to remember my sweet angel baby. Thank you.
- Megan Weber


My Benjamin bear means everything to me. The first night I got him, I held my bear so tight & fell asleep hugging him. Though I cried a lot, having my bear weigh what my Benjamin weighs was perfect. I miss my boy so much, I'm glad I have something made for him for me to hold. Thank you so much to everyone involved. Special thanks to Sabrina, Baby September, Baby June, & Baby October for my Benjamin bear.
- Norma Garcia

Weston Kenneth Whittaker

I love my Weston bear. We lost our second baby boy two days before his due date. The umbilical cord was tied in a knot. After delivering my stillborn son we got to hold him and keep him with us in the hospital room the rest of the day. My bear allows me to hold Weston again. He provides so much comfort in a very difficult time.
- Brittany Whittaker


My molly bear means so much to me it helps me get through the time when I’m felling that emptiness. I lot my son so unexpectedly. I went to the hospital to get induced and when they were hooking me to the monitors they couldn’t find my baby’s heat beat. They did an ultrasound and unfortunately he had already passed away it was all so confusing because that same morning I had went to an appointment and had an ultrasound done and they had told me he was perfectly find. My bear has help me and my husband so much and I want to thank everybody who helped out in the making of my bear.
- Yomira Ramirez


I lost my son to SIDS at just 3 months old on 7/9/13. My Elijah Molly Bear has been the most amazing gift. I recieved my bear a month after my mom passed unexpectedly. This bear helped to heal my heart and bring comfort in my darkest hours. In July of 2018 I was blessed with my rainbow daughter. She has taken a picture with her brother's bear every month. It continues to help us heal.
- Meghan Forton

Amelia Rose Bartley

My Amelia Bear couldn't have come at a better time. Next month would be her 1st angelversary and having her here for it, means the word to us. 8 months was well worth the wait for this perfect baby. ❤️ She was heavy on my mind today and to come home and see that out Amelia Bear has arrived, made my day so much better! Thank you so much Molly Bear for giving the opportunity for families to hold their little loves again!
- Elizabeth Woods

Makaela Ann Ness

I am at a loss for words! I absolutely LOVE my Molly Bear! I am so glad I heard about the organization! Our weighted bear makes me feel comforted! I know my baby girl is watching down on her mommy and daddy! My Molly Bear is perfect!
- Kari Ness

Aiden Michael Eliason

My “Aiden” bear means the world to me and couldn’t have arrived at a better time I have been missing my angel so much and struggling so hard I absolutely love my bear! Thank you so much for providing some comfort to grieving families, it’s truly a blessing!!
- Sadie Eliason

Valor Wyatt Lowe

He means everything to not only is parent but our kids he was number 12 for us so our kids lean on his bear for everything. We promised every family trip we took every thing we did he would be with us. This was his actual due date he got to take his first trip to the beach?
- Rachel Low

Miranda Renee

We just received her in the mail today. She's perfect. I cried seeing her because my daughter was this tiny. Thank you so so much. Her daddy & I will treasure our Miranda bear forever
- Jennifer Bragel